It’s time to seriously consider the question: is there a better way to keep the world’s cities and populations safe?ĭr. Calls to abolish the police altogether have gained unprecedented momentum.
Protests have given a megaphone to demands for dramatic institutional changes to policing. But it’s impossible to ignore calls for justice as governments arm police forces with military-grade equipment and super-sized budgets. policing is a success – major cities enjoy their lowest crime rates in decades. “Black Lives Matter” has become a global rallying cry against racism and police brutality alike. The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis has sparked a worldwide reckoning over violent policing practices – often applied disproportionately to select racial groups and demographics. Clifford Stott, Professor of Social Psychology at Keele University in the UK and Director of the Keele Policing Academic Collaboration (KPAC)Ĭalls to reform, limit, and defund the police are growing after the murder of George Floyd.